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Explore “Cli-Fi”

Explore “Cli-Fi”

January 15, 2021

The topic of climate isn’t a new element in storytelling; the environment plays heavily in a lot of works of speculative fiction. However, the term “Cli-Fi” (Climate Fiction) is relatively new, having been first coined by journalist and climate activist Dan Bloom back in 2010. This genre, a play on the term Sci-Fi, explores climate change and global warming, playing out these changes in the world to a logical endpoint.

An article written for NPR in 2013 by Angela Evancie explains it best: “ …[O]f course, science fiction with an environmental bent has been around since the 1960s (Think J. G. Ballard’s The Drowned World). But while sci-fi usually takes place in a dystopian future, Cli-fi happens in a dystopian present.”

 The article also shared that people in the scientific community are finding Cli-Fi to be a powerful signal boost for those trying to bring awareness to particular climate-related concerns—a prime example of the power of stories!

 If you’re interested in exploring the Cli-Fi genre, here are some of my favorites to get you started: 

If you’re interested in movies of this genre, check out this list of Natural Disasters in Film. 

Lisa P.
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