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Read the Book, Play the Game!

Read the Book, Play the Game!

July 18, 2024

Did you know that the creators of the megahit Barbie are going to make a movie about the board game Monopoly? Right now, there is no word on what kind of movie it will be. However, a drama detailing the story of its creation could be very interesting.

Many are not aware that there has been a lot of controversy over who should get credit for creating the legendary game. Should it be Elizabeth J. Magie--the inventor of The Landlord’s Game, on which most of Monopoly is based? Or is it Charles Darrow—the man who added his own spin on the original, sold it to Parker Brothers and became very wealthy?

Creators of similar games that existed around that time should also be mentioned. Who knew the business of board games was so cutthroat?

I have loved board games since I was a child. I spent hours playing Monopoly, Life, Trivia Pursuit, and Sorry. Things seem to have changed for the younger generation, with video games now being the recreation of choice. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t still great board games out there.

And it may surprise you that there are games based on your favorite books! Yes, you can read your favorite novel or series and then go and play a board game based on the characters and plot.

Do you love the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling? After finishing Deathly Hallows, try out the game Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle.

If the world of hobbits and orcs in The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien is your thing, how about the exciting The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth or War of the Ring?

Read Frank Herbert's book Dune, watch the movies, and then play the board game Dune!

Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has many board games, including Watson and Holmes, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, and 221B Baker Street: The Master Detective Game.

Steal from the rich and give to the poor with Robin Hood. Then, take on the Sheriff in Sheriff of Nottingham.

Be chilled by Bram Stoker’s Dracula, then be even more chilled by Fury of Dracula!

As you can see, there are many ways to experience your favorite story besides just reading the book or watching the movie. And if you are looking for more board game fun, come into one of MCPL’s branches for a Board Game Night. These events are great opportunities to have fun and mingle with fellow board game lovers.

For more information about the story of Monopoly, check out Monopoly: The Story Behind the World’s Best-Selling Game by Rod Kennedy, Jr. and Pass Go and Collect 200 by Tanya Lee Stone.

Pamela M.
Antioch Branch


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