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TV as Comfort Food

TV as Comfort Food

March 22, 2021

In a recent survey, it was found that nearly 30 percent of the people interviewed would sign up for a streaming service solely to watch old content. And the people most likely to do this, by a slim margin, were those in their 20s. This result might surprise many who think that new content must be driving people to a streaming service. In fact, a lot of services are trying to increase the amount of their original productions in the belief that having the newest television show is the most important.

However, it has become very apparent, especially since the start of the pandemic, that a lot of people want to see the “old stuff.” The safe and familiar TV shows that we already know and love. Perhaps people have been returning to those favorites because they wish to return to the time before. Even the younger generation seems interested in the television that their parents and grandparents grew up with. In this respect, television has become a form of comfort food for the masses.

I must admit that I am one of those people enjoying shows from my younger years. I recently checked out Sesame Street Old School just for fun. As a child of the ’70s and early ’80s, this was appointment television for me! Watching Sesame Street Old School has brought back a lot of memories. There have been so many “I remember that song” and “I remember laughing so hard at that skit” moments. It has also been a reminder about how times have changed. The show I grew up on was a lot longer and slower paced than you will find today. Despite the fact that I’m an adult, I have really enjoyed this trip down memory lane.

And it’s not just Sesame Street. I have actually been watching a lot of older stuff recently. My favorites have been The Facts of Life, classic Doctor Who, Little House on the Prairie, The A-Team, and The Love Boat (in all its cheesy gloriousness!). I have also been tuning in to Dallas for the first time—a show that I was way too young for when it first aired, but was a favorite of my parents.

Do you find yourself longing for some comfort TV as well? While you can certainly find a lot of old favorites on streaming services right now, if you don’t have a streaming device, you can always come to any MCPL branch to look for your old favorites on DVD. And with the Library’s stacks back open to the public, you can browse to your heart’s content.

So, stop by and find some “comfort food” on the shelves of your local MCPL branch!

Pamela M.
Antioch Branch

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