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Watercolor 101: Part Three

Watercolor 101: Part Three

April 7, 2020

In case you’ve missed my two previous blog posts, I’ve been writing a series about my adventures in watercolor, which I’ve been learning how to master with the help of the Watercolor 101 course from Universal Class. But I want to take a short break from this for just a minute! Let’s talk about some of MCPL’s other online resources that you will find valuable when you start your watercolor journey!

Let’s start with the basics. Sure, you can start painting with watercolors by just throwing down some color on paper. But I know many of you will want to read about some techniques first. OverDrive has got you covered. Here is a small reading list of books:

  • Water Paper Paint: Exploring Creativity with Watercolor and Mixed Media by Heather Smith Jones – Do you find you can’t always think of something creative to do? Water Paper Paint focuses each chapter on a separate project. You’ll start out with a basic painting, but then move on to projects like using a poem as inspiration, creating a collage, and watercolor lettering.
  • Everyday Watercolor: Learn to Paint Watercolor in 30 Days by Jenna Rainey – This is a guided workbook that will teach you the basics of painting over the course of 30 days. You start out learning the very basics of color theory. Later on, there are specific exercises on how to move the paintbrush on the paper. By the end of the month, you will have a beautiful, complete painting. This is a great book for those who want a specific guided path.
  • Beginning Watercolor: Tips and Techniques for Learning to Paint in Watercolor by Maury Aaseng – Just getting started? Beginning Watercolor might be the book for you. This one will provide you with the basics everyone needs when they start painting with watercolors. You will also find many examples of Maury Aaseng’s work to help inspire your own creations.
  • Secrets of Watercolor: From Basics to Special Effects by Joe Garcia – So, you feel like you have a firm grasp of the basics, and now you’d like some tips on how to take your painting to the next level? In this book, you’ll still get the basics (reminders never hurt) but you’ll also learn special techniques like splattering, using salt (yes, salt!), and what to do with masking fluid. The second half of this book contains exercises to try out your new skills.

So, what about those of you who would rather have someone show you how to paint? Access Video on Demand has instructional videos in which several artists show off their techniques:

  • Watercolor MomentsFrom his studio, to around town, follow John while he finds inspiration for his watercolors in his everyday life.
  • Five Steps to Watercolor – Learn the basics of watercolor painting while Amanda paints beautiful scenery from around Italy.
  • Watercolor ImpressionsLooking for a watercolor style that’s a bit looser? Watch Joseph Zbukvic create his beautiful watercolor impressions with inspiration from locations around Paris.

These are just a small sample of the resources for painting with watercolors from Mid-Continent Public Library. Check out OverDrive and Access Video On Demand to find many more!

Barbara W.
Electronic Resources Department

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