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Learn About National Geographic Kids

Learn About National Geographic Kids

October 19, 2020

Welcome to one of the most trusted names in geography, maps, and exciting exploration of the world! National Geographic is a universally respected resource, and National Geographic Kids is just as reliable, offering a wide range of age-appropriate content for elementary children that is especially helpful for school projects.

To find National Geographic Kids, select Research & Learning on the main menu of the Library’s website, click Homework Help for Kids, and then scroll down to click National Geographic Kids.

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This resource has an easy-to-understand layout. A search bar in the top right allows for both a simple or advanced search; the green navigation bar allows browsing magazines or exploring topics; and the rest of the page allows you to browse by resource format: Videos, Pictures, Books, or Magazines. Any of these choices will help you rearrange the topics in a way that makes the best sense for you.

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For example, if you click the More button for Books, you will see the available books for children published by National Geographic. To the left of the book thumbnails and their basic information, you’ll be able to filter by titles or subjects. You can also search within books using a keyword.


Select Browse Magazines from the green bar to see National Geographic Kids magazines. There is a wait period of 90 days from the publication date to when it is available to this online resource. Once a magazine is opened, a small toolbar provides a table of contents dropdown plus navigation and zoom buttons. A Listen button is also provided so kids can follow along with a proficient reader. Citation tools are also available for report writing help.


Select Explore Topics from the green bar to search for information on Animals, Environment, History, Peoples & Cultures, Places, or Science & Tech. Each topic can then be filtered.


National Geographic Kids also has a great Advanced Search option. Search by keyword, author, subject, or other search terms and then limit those results by Publication Title, Content Type, Picture Type, Publication Date, and/or Lexile range.

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To learn more about this great kids’ resource, be sure to check out this tutorial or watch our Explore National Geographic Kids | Online Resources video or the Library Resources | Online Resources playlist.

Terri M.
Consumer Technology Specialist

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