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New Year, New Organization Plan

New Year, New Organization Plan

January 7, 2021

Like most people, I set at least a few New Year’s resolutions, one of which is almost always something to do with organization. For those of you looking to add some new organization tools to your toolbelt in 2021, here are several Library resources, apps, and websites to help you out!

Library Resources

  • Physical books in the Library’s catalog and eBooks from OverDrive are a great resource, especially if you’re just getting started on your organization journey. You can find books from organization gurus like Marie Kondo, getting started guides, and much more!
  • Take a free online class like “Clutter Control 101” from Universal Class on the Library’s website. Classes here are self-paced and comprised of both video and text information.
  • You can also watch several tutorials on various organization techniques and software options from LinkedIn Learning for Libraries. Videos on LinkedIn Learning are typically short (two to five minutes) and sometimes part of larger learning paths, courses, or playlists.
  • Check out MCPL’s Getting Organized for the New Year video and more on the MCPL YouTube Channel! While you’re there, check out all of the other helpful videos that the Library’s consumer technology team has created and subscribe to the channel! 

Apps and Websites

  • Todoist – This is an app and website that allows you to create tasks and sub-tasks to track all of your to-dos. Tasks can be a simple one-line thing, checklists (like grocery lists), or full projects with lots of unique tasks and subtasks. The app and website are free to use, but there is a paid, premium tier.
  • Trello – Another task-tracking website and app combo is Trello, which is very popular in the tech industry. Users can create lists for specific projects or needs and then break it down into individual “cards.” Cards can contain checklists, descriptions, links, and much more! Trello is free to use, but there are paid account options available.
  • Mint – Not all organization involves tasks; sometimes, you need to organize your money! Mint is an app and website that can help you track purchases, create budgets, set bill reminders, and even check your credit. Mint is free to use.
  • LastPass – This website and app acts as a virtual address book. It can store your usernames and passwords (and even autofill them online!), actual addresses and phone numbers, and your card information. This service is free to use, but there is a paid premium account available.
  • Blogs, Pinterest, other websites – Yes, really! You can pick up tons of tips and tricks from “mommy blogs” and other blogs written by professional or passionate organizers. You can also find tons of unique websites to help you on your organization journey. Some organizing gurus have their own websites that are full of tips, tools, and videos to help you get started.

Organization is not “one size fits all,” so try out these tips and see what works for you! Finding the right tools that meet your organization needs can make life so much easier.

Have a happy (and organized) New Year!

Paige L.
Consumer Technology Specialist

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