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Understanding and Caring for Man’s Best Friend

Understanding and Caring for Man’s Best Friend

June 3, 2021

As spring approaches, you may find yourself thinking about getting outside more and taking your best friend with you. No, not your best friend from high school—your canine buddy! Having a pet can be an absolute joy and also a challenge. Never fear! There are many resources from the Library with inspiring stories, basic training help, and even information to help you decide if you’d like to work with dogs on a more professional level.

The Library’s online resource Universal Class offers 10 courses on pet and animal care. Among those courses are How to Choose the Right Dog for You, Dog Training 101, Advanced Dog Training, and Dog Psychology 101. If you really connect with animals and want to start a business, there is also Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Business 101.

The resource Access Video on Demand has video courses on everything from basic dog training and how dogs are used for companionship and therapy to how to start your own veterinary clinic or doggie daycare. Some of the short videos produced by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., include a “How to” series with such titles as:

  • How to Teach Your Dog to Heel on a Leash
  • How to Train Your Dog to Stay on Command
  • How to Train Your Dog to Come When Called
  • How to Teach Your Dog to Greet Houseguests Nicely

Several other video series through Access Video also make for fascinating watching, such as Collar of Duty, Making Dogs Happy, and The Secret Life of Dogs. Videos about service dogs include Dog Detectors, Prison Dogs, War Dog: A Soldier’s Best Friend, and The Greatest Bond about disabled vets and service dogs. Perhaps you’re curious about how dogs perceive the world with such a great sense of smell? Look no further; You Are What You Sense: Inside the Animal Mind, An Animal Trainer – Career Q & A, and Starting a Pet Day Care and Training Facility round out the many topics you may find interesting!

Classes from Gale Courses, another of MCPL’s resources, are more academic in nature and address those who are thinking about making animal care their vocation. If you’re considering this, these topics may be of interest: Become a Veterinary Assistant (parts I, II, and III) and Start a Pet Sitting Business.

If you’ve been working from home and may soon return to your regular office, you may be concerned about the loyal companion who has been with you the entire time. Freegal Music has some downloadable music for your dogs, so they can relax and make that transition easier.

Of course, you may just want to read an article or check out a book about dogs, and the Library has thousands of those waiting for you too!

Terri M.
Consumer Technology Specialist

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