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Recognizing International Transgender Day of Visibility

Recognizing International Transgender Day of Visibility

March 31, 2022

Transgender Day of Visibility is now an internationally recognized day, honored every year on March 31. On November 20, the LGBTQ+ community, their loved ones, and allies gather to remember those Transgender people who have passed away from transphobic acts. While many of the LGBTQ+ community may be aware of Transgender Day of Visibility, it may not be common knowledge, though I personally believe that all days of recognition, remembrance, and revelry should be acknowledged. Allow me to open your eyes, even if just a little bit, to the Transgender community.  

The Day of Visibility recognizes those who are here now, who are making a difference, celebrating the achievements and accomplishments of Transgender people, and who continue to make their voices heard in support of Transgender rights.  

If you don't know, here are a few definitions and terminology to help you understand a little bit more: 

  • Transgender: A person whose identity differs from their birth-given sex  
  • Gender Identity: A person's internal choice of male, female, combination, or not male or female 
  • Gender Fluid: A person with gender fluidity; this means that a person's identity is not “set in stone.”
  • Gender Queer: A person who may or may not identify as masculine, feminine, transgender, or none
  • Gender Expression: This is how a person chooses to express their Gender Identity 
  • Sex: Generally refers to the biological aspects of the body or anatomy 
  • Gender: Generally refers to the social, psychological, and behavioral content 
  • Sexuality: refers to who a person is attracted to
  • Nonbinary: A person who identifies with or expresses a gender that is neither male nor female 
  • Transition: A process which a transgender individual is in the midst of changing their gender identity; examples of this could include hormonal treatment, clothing changes, name change, surgery, and pronoun use. 
  • Pronouns: This is what we use to identify someone's gender identity; the pronouns may be He/Him/His for male, She/Her/Hers for female, They/Them/Their for Nonbinary or whichever a person uses. 
  • Deadname: If a person has transitioned, the individual likely has changed their name as well. Calling a person by the name/identity that they were before—even accidentally—is disrespectful and hurtful, and they do not wish to be known by this name. This is why it is called Deadname. 

Here are some Library materials with real accounts of real Trans people sharing their stories: Real Transgender People and their Stories.

Here are some Library materials with mostly fictional stories featuring Transgender characters: Transgender Day of Visibility.

Here are a few Transgender DVDs in the Library’s collection: Transgender On Screen.

If you are Transgender, or you are a parent, guardian, or sibling of someone who may be Transgender or Nonbinary, here are a few resources that might be helpful: 

There are many local resources as well. Educate yourself on them. If you’re a parent, talk to your kids about identities. If you want to be an ally, simply ask how you can help. If you are Transgender, know that you are not alone. You are loved. You are cared for. There are people out there like you. You are VISIBLE.  

-MCPL Staff Member

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