October 7, 2022
Hello and welcome back to another Tracy Tries blog! If you don’t remember, or if this is your first Tracy Tries blog, let me recap. I am trying different resources that MCPL offers, and I’m currently enrolled in the online Korean language course from Mango Languages.
I have to admit that using Mango Languages is vastly different than my previous Tracy Tries resource (Universal Class). This time, I don’t have to eat my failed attempts or have a backup plan for our meals! As I’ve progressed through the Korean course, let’s talk about a few things I’ve noticed.
I hadn’t completed a lesson in several days and asked myself, “What is different about this app compared to another one I’m using every day?” I realized I was missing two things to keep my learning on track! First, I desperately need daily reminders to complete a lesson. In the Settings, I found “Study Reminders,” where I can go in and set a reminder. The only downside is that I can only set one, but I need at least two reminders. My plan is to use the one within the app, and if I need to, I’ll supplement with reminders on my phone.
The second thing I need is encouragement to not break my streak. I’m using another app to learn Hangul, and it encourages you to maintain your daily streak. This is a huge motivator for me and one that I’m missing in the Mango app. I don’t understand the psychology behind usage streaks and how they create more of a learning habit, but in my case, it does. I found where I can contact support within the Mango menu, but I can’t find a place where I can send in suggestions. I’ll keep digging for this.
Tracy M.
Digital Learning Department
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