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Tracy Tries: Udemy Business, Part 1

Tracy Tries: Udemy Business, Part 1

December 5, 2022

Hello and welcome back to another edition of Tracy Tries! If you don’t remember, or if this is your first Tracy Tries blog, let me recap: I am trying different resources that MCPL offers, and for my next, I’ve decided to test out Udemy Business!

Udemy Business offers on-demand courses for a variety of skills. Courses are taught in a range of ways by a diverse set of world-renowned instructors. Thousands of courses are also available in French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish. While browsing the catalog, there seemed to be something for everyone.

Here’s a list of a few of the courses that caught my eye. I’ve included the category they’re under so you can find it if you’re interested.

Personal Development Courses:

  • Master Your Mindset & Brain
  • Improve Your Handwriting
  • How to Draw Cute Cartoon Characters

Design Courses:

  • SketchUp for Woodworkers
  • Typographic Logos
  • Pixel Art for Video Games

When I saw the Fun Beginner Ukulele Course, I knew I had to try it! A few years ago, I was gifted a ukulele, and I’ve never made time to learn how to play. Let’s add some ukulele skills to my repertoire, shall we? View our Exploring Udemy Business video to learn more about this resource.

Be sure to stay tuned to see how Udemy Business and I perform.

Tracy M.
Digital Learning Department

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