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2024 Local Author Fair


Calling all local Kansas City authors!

The Story Center at Mid-Continent Public Library is seeking authors in the greater Kansas City area to participate in our 11th annual Local Author Fair on Saturday, November 16, from 1:00-4:00 p.m., in person at the Woodneath Library Center. Participating in this event helps authors develop readership, foster community, and connect with the library. Selected authors will receive their booth for free, which includes a 5x2 table and black tablecloth, and authors will manage their sales and keep all proceeds from the sale of their books. 

All authors must submit an application during the July 27-August 11 submission period. Entries received outside of this submission period will not be accepted.

Submissions Open July 27

The Local Author Fair features 50 authors. All submissions will be evaluated by a committee of Library employees, and we strive to curate a diverse and unique lineup. 

What we are looking for: 

  • Authors with a local connection: Authors who live or work in the MCPL service area (Jackson, Clay, and Platte counties in Missouri) or a library district with which MCPL has a reciprocal agreement. See the full list below on this page under “Author Requirements.”
  • New releases: Books that were published within the last three years. Books may be traditionally published, hybrid published, or self-published. Books must be published by the date of the Local Author Fair.
  • Quality production: Books that are appropriate for inclusion in Mid-Continent Public Library’s collection (i.e. binding is library appropriate/no spiral binding, there is no attached media, the item has an ISBN, etc.). Books for sale must be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. We are also looking for book covers and interiors that are professionally designed and edited books. 
  • Professionalism: A clear author headshot, a website and/or social media presence, and engagement with readers and the writing community beyond sales.

In addition to the above criteria for individual applications, we will weigh the body of tentatively accepted authors as a whole to ensure a variety of genres, subjects, voices, and perspectives are represented at the fair. Space is limited, so some authors who fit the criteria may not be selected. 

Like last year, authors will only be able to sell books for one intended audience: adults, teens, or children. In response to the Missouri Secretary of State's administrative rule 15 CSR 30-200, each age category will have its own room. You will be asked to choose which age category room you would prefer to be in. Please note: you can submit books in multiple age categories and will be considered for your second and/or third choices if your first choice fills up. For example, an author has published one young adult book and one adult book, and they submit both books. They mark their first choice as “teen” and their second choice as “adult.” If the teen area fills up but we have room in the adult area, we will offer the author a spot in the adult area, where that author could sell their adult book only. 
Schedule of Events:

  • 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.: Authors check in and set up at The Story Center.
  • 11:30 – 12:30 p.m.: Booths open to other Local Author Fair participants. This private shopping and meet-and-greet time gives authors an opportunity to connect.
  • 12:30 – 1:00 p.m.: Lunch break. Authors provide their own lunch.
  • 1:00 PM – 4:00 p.m.: Local Author Fair

 All accepted authors will be featured in our Local Author Database, which will link to their websites. For an example, please take a look at last year’s database.

You will receive a confirmation email that your submission has been received, and selected authors will receive notification of acceptance by September 13.
Author Requirements:

  • All authors must submit an application within the July 27-August 11 submission period. Entries received outside of this submission period will not be accepted.
  • Authors will need to manage their own sales.
  • Authors must be willing to help promote the event to their readers and networks.
  • Authors must live or work in the MCPL service area (Jackson, Clay, and Platte Counties in Missouri) or a library district with which MCPL has a reciprocal agreement (listed below). 
    • Cameron Public Library
    • Cass County Public Library
    • Henry County Library
    • Johnson County (Kansas) Library
    • Kansas City, Kansas Public Library
    • Kansas City, Missouri Public Library
    • North Kansas City Public Library
    • Olathe Public Library
    • Ray County Public Library
    • Robertson Memorial Library
    • Rolling Hills Library
    • St. Joseph Public Library
    • Trails Regional Library

Please direct additional questions to Melanie Pierce, Story Center Program Manager, at  

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