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This site has links to more than 2 million genealogy websites which can be searched by location or surname.
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Ships List

Includes passenger lists, numbering 3,000 pages and growing every month. It is also a good source to learn more about the ship your ancestors arrived on, perhaps even including a picture of the ship.
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A free online library of cemetery records, from thousands of cemeteries across the world, for historical and genealogy research.
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Weather Wiz Kids

Meteorologist Crystal Wicker from Indianapolis, Indiana designed this website especially for kids to allow them to learn more about the fascinating world of weather.
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OLogy for Kids

Go to the Ology site to learn about dinosaurs, marine biology, genetics, astronomy and more. Games, crafts, and experiments are all found on this very colorful site.
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Johnnie's Math Page

Johnnie's Math Page has activities to help with subjects like fractions, geometry, multiplication, statistics, probability, measurement, and numbers. Each topic has a range of activities labeled by level from primary to intermediate math.
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